Goals - Objectives - Measures

CMW is an innovative pilot project that will take place three (3) distinct locations at the same time. Each city (Boston, MA., Hartford, CT and Atlanta, GA) has its own unique set of needs, but the need for this program is easily demonstrated. Upon success of the pilot program, CMW will expand into North Carolina, Texas, New York, and additional states — with expectations to be operational in all 50 states by 2023 with increasing enrollment. The ultimate goal is to provide this program in all public high schools from grades 10 to 12.

1. Introduce youth to diverse and exciting employment and career opportunities.

– Applications
– Job placements/job types
– Hours worked

2. Youth develop positive work habits, work attitudes and behavior skills.

– Interview sessions
– Employment plans/resumes created
– Pre and post behavior survey

3. Youth understand and can demostrate culture-based financial skills and stewardship

– Hours of financial training attended
– Of bank accounts opened and maintained
– Pre and post survey

Youth will work with different companies to gain work exposure and experience.


Youth are educated on various essential workplace etiquette and skills like being on time, how to handle a complaint, dress codes, etc.


Youth gain valuable work experience through mentoring with professionals in various fields.


Youth will go through an interview/ selection process to be accepted into the program.


Youth will be expected to exhibit appropriate workplace behaviors throughout the program (For example: arrive on time, actively listen and participate, be present for the entire program).


Participants follow through on expectations set by them and for them.


Youth will identify 3 methods of saving and investing.


Youth will actively manage bank accounts and maintain income and expense records.


The use of culturally-competent stories (interviews/guests) will be used to introduce the students to finance principles and methods.